Saturday, January 29, 2011

The hardest part...

Has anyone ever noticed how much people can lie on their blogs?  I mean really, is there some blog police going around fact-checking?  Nope.  So anyone could post anything as truth and no one would know the difference.  You may be asking yourself why the heck I'm mentioning this.  Well, allow me to make sense of it all.  I follow some blogs.  Yes I realize you can scroll down my page on the right hand side and see what blogs I follow.  Those are just a few of the ones I read.  I'll occasionally read blogs that others are following.  Some blogs are funny, some are insightful, some are helpful, and some are just plain annoying and fake.  I recently came across one where every single post was a sermon.  I happened to know the author so the words really didn't mean what I'm sure she was trying to portray.  Here come the "hard part" of my blog.  I am completely turned off by blogs that spout out about how wonderful God is and how much He is working in their lives...blah, blah, blah.  Surprised?  I can hear the gasps all the way in Ankeny.

I believe in God.  I believe asking Jesus into my heart is the only way to Heaven.  I've grown up in one church or another.  But what I hate is when people are fake.  We all have issues.  We all have struggles and moments when the devil gets a hold of us and we question everything in our lives.  These are private moments.  Because really...can I check to see how much you're being persecuted?  Can I then check later to see how your life has changed?  Not really.  I have nothing to go by but your blog.

In my opinion (and again, this is MY blog so my opinion is just opinion...don't send me hate mail), those who have blogs purely for the act of "preaching" at those who read it are indulgent and self-righteous.  Good for you that you've found amazing peace and glorious healing.  What works for you may not work for the rest of us so rubbing it in our face isn't very helpful.  It's like reading some of the parenting blogs where instead of being helped, I'm being told everything I'm doing wrong.  Lovely.

I have had many tell me that my postings are honest and funny.  This current post may be more honest than funny...


  1. I think it is great Sara! I love your honesty, that is who you are!! I think honesty is very hard to come by these days. People think they should say what is thought to be "right" and pleasing to other instead of the truth. I hate fake real, be genuine, be who you are. If that is a shlop on a log than so be it! Don't be fake about it. Thank you Sara for being real:)

  2. I get where you're coming from, but you HAVE to admit, that there are some people who have purely good intentions in sharing their trials and God has used those to mold them (like the author of the Bring the Rain blog)... and sharing things like that can be really encouraging to people...especially if someone is going through a similiar situation.
    ...forgive me if I'm way off base and interpreting what you say in the wrong way...
    There are people out there, though, who are putting on a fake front and that's just not cool :)

  3. I completely get what you're saying, Sara, and I happen to agree with you. It's one thing to testify about what God's doing. But when it's all you ever do, it seems you're trying way too hard to convince others. Just my thought :-)
