Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Has anyone ever pondered how gross movie theaters are?  I mean,'s disgusting if you truly think about it.

The other night Joel and I went to see a movie.  It was one of those rare date nights that we didn't want to waste just sitting at home shampooing the carpet or something lame (that happened to be MY idea for the night).  So even though there wasn't anything we really wanted to see, we went to a movie anyway.  Of course before the movie started, I thought I'd better go pee, lest I need to pee right as the movie is getting good.  I hate that.  I always feel like I'm going to miss something so I try to pee really fast.  Is that even physically possible?  I digress...

I went to the nearest bathroom and stopped just inside the door.  It was gross.  Apparently there had just been a rush of blind women in the bathroom because most of the paper towels were on the floor beside the trash can instead of in it.  I entered the first stall but it had something floating in the toilet so I moved on to the next one.  It looked clean-ish so it was the chosen stall.  I reached for the toilet paper and realized the end was resting on the floor...the wet floor.  I'm going to choose to believe that the floor was wet with water and not something even more disgusting.  I finished my business, washed my hands and left.  (oh...and I managed to get my paper towel inside the garbage can...yea, me!)  As I left I noticed that little card that hangs on the back of the door.  Ya know the one that employees have to initial every hour that the bathroom is fine?  Yep, it was initialed for 7pm.  Funny thing was that it wasn't yet 7.  So did "CP" just initial the card early or perhaps she's a time traveler?  It's a mystery.

So then Joel and I sat in the theater.  It was pretty empty so I rested my feet on the chair in front of me and laid my head back.  Then I got to thinking.  How many other people have put their heads on this exact spot?  Do I even want to know?  And if my dirty shoes are on the seat back in front of me, how many people have put their feet on my seat back?  So I'm putting my head on a potentially dirty, lice-infested cushion??  I quickly put my feet back on the ground and stepped in something sticky.

I decided I really don't want to know how dirty theaters really are.


  1. I take you out for a night, and you are still thinking about cleaning!

  2. Oh my gosh, I hear ya! I can only imagine what theatre you were at. One time we took Mary - our oldest to a movie and I took her to the bathroom. I asked her to be careful and not touch anything as it The floor was wet and it looked just like you descibed above. I look in to check on her and she is on the pot with her skirt nicely resting on the floor in a huge puddle! Needless to say we left immediately so she could go home and change. I called back later to complain and they offered me a refund and free passes to come back. Um, no thanks!

  3. LOL - oh Sara. I assure you there have been hundreds of feet resting on the back of whatever seat you were in. I think the back row (and maybe the front row since nobody ever sits that close) is probably the only place you're safe.
