Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm back!

For those waiting with baited breath, the wait is over. I am now back to blogging. And man, do I have lots to say.

It's January and my Christmas decorations are still up. Why? Because the Christmas celebration continues in the Jernstad household. My family Christmas is this weekend (the Cowell side). Let me tell ya, it's always a doozy. I'm going to have a house full of wild and crazy kids. And those are just the adults. Add in the children and it's going to be a circus. It's a different feeling when I'm the hostess and not just a visitor. I have such a new understanding and appreciation for all my mom had to go through when I was younger. *sigh* I'm preparing now for something to get broken. I'll have to up my meds before it's all over, I can tell right now

Noah is now crawling. That boy can scoot across the floor faster than Hannah ever did! It's so funny to watch. Now that he's mobile, he's in a constant state of motion. From the moment he wakes up, you can just hear him in bed rustling around trying to get out. And then when I put him on the floor, he's off to the races. And he's already starting to pull himself up to a standing position! He's 9-months-old! I can't even believe it. Hannah had no interest in standing up until she was much older. She didn't walk by herself until she was 14-months-old. I'd be surprised if Noah isn't walking by his 1st birthday. Man, my life is going to change when he starts walking.

I have so much more to say but I'm waiting for a repair-man to show up. I hate waiting, I'm so impatient.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Sara. The blog looks great. Can't wait to hear more from your family!!!!
