Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas 2009

We finally had my family Christmas last weekend. Since we alternate spending Christmas with our families, it was the Jernstad's turn for Christmas day. So the Cowell side had to wait until mid-January. It actually worked out well since my dad bought us all tickets to see the Lion King at the Civic Center. We just planned a big weekend extravaganza. Saturday was the Lion King. Noah was too young to appreciate it so he stayed home with my aunt. Hannah, however thought it was amazing. She loves animals and music so we knew she's like it. We borrowed the DVD from a neighbor so she at least knew what the storyline was. We were in the 5th row which was amazing since you can see the facial expressions and hear everything so much better. My entire family was there except Noah and my sister's 4-week-old baby. Hannah was entranced the entire time. After every song Hannah would ask for another one. Funny.

After that was an evening of just hanging out and letting the kids play with each other. They were so exhausted from traveling and then watching the show that they were a tad cranky but still had a great time together.

Sunday was present-opening-day. It was a tad chaotic. When you stick that many people in a confined space, there's bound to be an injury or two. Luckily it wasn't too bad. I think a few kids got tripped or fell on their faces but no blood. All in all, we had a great time. It was a quick weekend. My sister and brother and families were only here for about 24 hours but we had a jammed packed weekend of fun.

Hannah got a giant remote control truck from my parents for Christmas and you would have thought she won the lottery. Once we showed her how to use the controller, she was all about charging that thing all over the basement. She loves to run it over things. It's hysterical!
She also got the movie "Up" from my sister and she loves it. Now she asks for the "balloon movie with the doggies". I have to say, it's one of the best Disney movies I've seen in a long time
Yes, it's true. My son is the cutest boy ever
I predict that Hannah is going to be a heart-breaker when she gets older
I'm not sure where Noah got that blond hair and super blue eyes but it's stinking adorable.

1 comment:

  1. Yes they are stinkin adorable:) I would love to see the Lion King and I think Grisham and Genevieve would like it very much. Looks like it was a great extended Christmas.
