Thursday, March 24, 2011

Things that make me go "huh"....

SO I was thinking the other day of all the weirdness in the world.  There are all sorts of oddities that just make me curious.  Who thought these things up?  Who thought it was a good idea?  Why is this taking up my time?

Here is a sampling:
1.  Why is it a crime to impersonate an officer or a doctor but not to impersonate a decorated war veteran?  If I pretend to be a doctor I could be arrested.  If I pretend that I was in a war and won all sorts of awards, I'm protected by the 1st amendment.  Really?

2.  Why do some mothers talk to their child like they're idiots?  Seriously, do you think the baby is going to understand "goo goo ga ga" any more than they understand the dictionary?  They are babies.  Let them grow up a bit before they realize they've been birthed by a moron.

3.  Cloth Diapers.  Who in the world thought this was a good idea?  Now I realize that years ago, this was the only option.  Mr. Huggy and Mr. Pamper hadn't yet invented their diapers.  Still, in this day and age, cloth diapers?  What in the world?  I understand the whole "global warming" thing, I really do.  Here's my problem with cloth diapers.  You have to wash them!  Pee and poop filled grossness mixed in with my towels?  All I can think of is poopy and pee-y water swishing around spreading the nastiness to all other clothes in the machine.  I realize you could wash these by themselves.  Well, then I'd be thinking of the leftover particles stuck in there.  Kinda like when someone leaves a present in the toilet and it's all disintegrated and gross.  Not planning on washing my clothes in that water.  Ewww.  Almost everyone I know who has used cloth diapers quickly switch to disposable.  When my brother used them on his child, he said they had to scrape the poop off in the toilet before washing the diapers.  Excuse me?  Scrape the poop off?????  That's just wrong.

4.  *I'm going to get on a Medicaid rant for a moment*  Why is it that some people on Medicaid have a sense of entitlement?  I mean really, you can't afford your own healthcare, your own food, your own gas but I'm supposed to pay for you to have fake nails and a really nice cell phone?  I get so irritated when a patient walks in with Medicaid insurance, flashing her fake nails, pulling out her Blackberry, acting like I'm a huge nuisance to her, then after the exam asking if I'll sign her gas voucher so she can be reimbursed for mileage.  Really?  How about you don't get your nails filled this week.  Then you could afford gas.

5.  Dr. Oz.  I love how he gives an incredibly vague symptom then says anyone experiencing this may have cancer, or a heart condition, or gangrene.  What in the world?  You have a hangnail?  Quick, go to your doctor because you may have necrotizing fasciitis.  Bloated?  It's ovarian cancer.   It's amazing that one man with MD after his name can diagnose the entire world without ever evaluating a patient.  Equally amazing is that doctors will order an exam for a patient simply because the patient complains that "Dr. Oz told me to go to my doctor".  Wow.  Makes me wonder what else you'd do just because Dr. Oz says so.

Ok, I'll get off my soap box.  Don't send me hate mail.  These are just my opinions of things that just boggle my mind.  If you feel differently, fine.  Write you own blog :)

1 comment:

  1. AMEN to #4!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That annoyed me so much. We'd get patients who griped about how they can't afford their pills, their bills, the hospital stay, blah blah blha....."you're a nurse, you don't understand because you make money" Yeah right...Iowa is raked #49 on worsed paid nurses...and I don't have cable, nice phone, or get my hair done more than twice a year.... Seriously. Yet they have a 3G phone, cable, computer, internet, fake nails, dyed hair....really? ugh...and they act like I owe them something because I "make money"...
    I'm so with you...
