Saturday, March 5, 2011


I'm having one of those days months.  Seriously, it feels like I can't get into the swing of things.  Why?  I have ideas but I don't know for sure.  NO, I'm not pregnant!  :)

I can't seem to lose weight and it's driving me nuts!  I go to the gym 4-5 times per week.  I watch what I eat (although I'm the first to admit that my willpower it seriously lacking).  So why the heck won't the weight come off?  On the flip side, I can tell how much stronger I am.  I have a couple herniated disks in my lower back so my amazing chiropractor  has said core strength is very important for me.  While my 6-pack is tucked clear in the back of the fridge, I can tell I do have more abd muscles.  And my arms and legs aren't nearly as wimpy anymore.  Between kickboxing and the elliptical, I'm burning some serious calories.  

I know muscle weighs more than fat.  I totally get that.  But there is no way in the world that I have that much muscle!  *sigh*  So what am I doing wrong?  Is it just because I have no will power when it comes to sweets?  Really?  Cuz that really sucks.  Is it because Diet Mountain Dew is the sweetest nectar on earth and I drink it constantly?  But it's diet!!  If I have to give up my diet dew, I may have to go away while I'm detoxing.  I will not be a pretty person for a few days. 

Any ideas or advice is completely welcome!  I know I'm not the only person who struggles with losing weight!   


  1. Just that you are doing awesome...
    I will be praying for you..
    We love you, you are a great mom, sister, sister in law and friend :)
    We are pulling for you :)

  2. it sucks when you're working so hard and not reaching a goal!
    I gave up pop a while back and lost a few pounds in a week of water it's not good for you anyway! ;)
    you're doing great, though, keep it up!
    Joel thinks you're a hottie patottie no matter how you're feeling ;)

  3. Sara- it is a struggle. I have been dealing with losing weight for a long while. The past few months have been a lot better than before, though. if you go to the YMCA and if your Y offers a Bodyflow class I suggest that. It totally works all of your muscles, especially your core, for a leaner body. I have done the class a few times now, and I feel every workout. The first few are pretty hard though, but it gets easier with time. I also do Zumba, which burns an insane amount of calories during the class, anywhere from 600-800. It's really fun, too. The time flies by so it doesn't feel like a work out. I have also cut meat out of my diet and eat a raw breakfast and lunch,fruits and vegetables only. Green tea is amazing, also. I know it's hard and it's an uphill battle, but just keep with it. Don't get discouraged!!! you can do it!!!

  4. Do you want some advice from an unregistered dietitian?? ;-)

    1) Yes, go easy on the Diet Mt. Dew. Not good for you in any way, shape or form and is probably causing you to retain water. But, don't give it up cold! Just limit yourself.

    2) Water, water, water,'s great for you and for helping with weight loss. If you are starving before a meal or snack, drink a full glass of water and you will not eat as much.

    3) Keep a food journal for at least one week. Which means recording EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. You might be surprised by what you are eating. When I have kept food journals in the past, I found that I was eating about 600 more calories per day that I thought. The principal of weight loss is 'theoretically' simple. Figure how many calories you are consuming at eat 500 less a day. With your height and all the exercise you do I would not go below 1500 calories. You don't want to starve yourself...that will just lower your metabolism.

    4) Talk with your doctor. Have you had your thyroid checked?

    5) Hang in there! You are most certainly not alone in your struggle! If you want to talk with a dietitian that is registered (RD) I can hook you up with one of my friends. She is actually the dietitian at Hy-Vee and she may have some better tips!


  5. Thanks for all your input. I had a feeling I was going to have to cut back on the Diet Mountain Dew. Man, that's unfortunate! I should up my water intake too. Bleh. Katie - I have a bad thyroid. I take meds for it. So that's not doing my any favors. :( I'll have to do a food journal. I probably am eating more than I think. Plus, I know portion sizes are a big problem. I eat a HUGE bowl of cereal but in my mind it's just a small one.
