Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day at the Lake

Joel's boss owns some land on a lake in southern Iowa.  Her house hasn't been built yet so she literally owns land only.  But it buts right up to the lake so she had a beach put in.  Yes, you read that correctly.  She put in a beach.  Funny.  So this past Saturday, she invited all her employees (there's only a dozen or so) so her land for the day.  She also has a boat and a 2-person tube to pull behind.  It's about a 2 hour drive to get there so I knew Noah wouldn't do well with the distance (that boy HATES to be strapped in his car seat for more than a few minutes!) so we left him at home for the day and just planned on taking Hannah.  It ended up working out that Salli and her kids came down for the weekend too.  So we brought Natalie and Jack along with us and left Salli at home with Noah and Katie.

It was an awesome day to be at the lake!  It was warm and sunny so the water felt great.  Jack had a great time rolling around in the sand.  His scalp was plastered with sand by the end of the day!  After a while, we all went out on the boat.  Natalie was the first to ride on the tube. She had such a great time.  She had the biggest smile on her face.  Poor Joel had to lay down practically on top of her and hold on tight to make sure she didn't go flying off.  They both had life jackets on but still...

Joel took a little breather to rest his biceps while another few kids had a turn then Hannah wanted to go.  She got on the tube...and that was about it.  It's one thing to watch, another to actually do.  But she got to sit on it so fine.

Jack wanted to go too.  He did pretty well.  He had a huge grin on his face for the first few minutes.  After that, it was time to be done.

By the time we got home that night, all of us were sunburned, filthy, and exhausted but had a great time.  Hopefully next year we can get Hannah on the tube and actually pull her around.

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