Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Noah is walking...falling...walking...falling

Noah has been cruising the furniture for months now. We really thought he'd be walking by the time he turned 1. Nope, he was perfectly happy to crawl very fast and walk only when holding on to something. So last week, my family came into town. Salli and her family were staying with us and my parents came over to hang out and play with the kids. All week Noah had seemed like he was really ready to go. All of a sudden, he gets up and walks! He took 4 steps completely on his own! We clapped and cheered for him. He thought that was pretty cool so he got up and walked again. Then he fell on his butt...and clapped for himself. It was cute. That became a game for him. Get up, walk, fall on butt, clap....over and over again. The most he walked was 11 steps. He's getting better though. This morning he walked across the living room but had to make a couple pit stops along the way. He never fell over, just had to pause and balance himself. He gets a huge grin on his face when he realizes he's mobile. My life will never be the same! He's already into absolutely everything! It's nearly impossible for me to keep my house clean. As soon as the kids realize there aren't any toys out, they immediately go to the toy box and search until they find their favorite toy. Of course the discarded toys don't go back in the toy box very quickly. :)

Hannah is in VBS this week at a local church. She is really liking it! Our church does VBS also but it starts at age 5 and it's in the evenings anyway, which doesn't really work for her. This VBS starts at age 4 and it's in the mornings at the perfect time. I can drop her off, go work out (putting Noah in the awesome Y childcare) then go home, put Noah to bed while I shower and get ready, then go back and pick Hannah up. We're home in time for lunch then she's down for a nap. She's exhausted by the time we get home at noon so she's ready for a nap. It's a hard thing when this other church has so much to offer for her age group. We love our current church but I really wish the child care was a little different. We're torn. We want the best for our kids. Why does being a parent mean you have to make hard decisions? That's my question for the day :)

On a happier note, I'm doing quite well with the Couch to 5K training. I'm on week 5 now which means by the end of this week, I should be able to jog 2 miles straight without stopping to walk. Ugh, we'll see how that goes! I haven't actually fallen off the treadmill yet but I've come pretty close!

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