Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The difference between Child 1 and Child 2...

With child 1, it physically hurt me to hear her cry in her crib for more than 2 seconds. With Child 2, I'm so busy I don't even notice when he's crying in his crib.

With child 1, if her pacifier fell on the floor, I'd wipe it down with a wet wipe. With Child 2, it goes straight back in his mouth, dirt and all.

With child 1, we took months to decorate her room all pretty and wonderful. With child 2, the poor boy got child 1's old nursery. No change whatsoever to the decorations, including child 1's name still on the wall.

With child 1, she had Huggies diapers because we thought they worked SO much better than any other brand. With child 2, he gets the cheap Target brand (which actually works just as well as the Huggies and are tons cheaper)

With child 1, we started a Iowa 529 plan right away to start saving for her college tuition. With child 2, we completely forgot until he was 9-months-old. Oops.

With child 1, I had the house completely baby-proofed long before she was even crawling. With child 2, I baby-proofed the dangerous stuff and let him figure out the rest.

With child 1, I washed her clothes in Dreft so as to not irritate her sensitive skin. With child 2, not so much.

With child 1, I didn't think I could ever love anyone as much as her. With child 2, I learned I can.

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