Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm a K.L.U.T.Z.!!!

Seriously, I don't know what my problem is lately!  I've ran into way more things than normal.  Let me be clear...normal for me is tripping on my own feet at least 5 times a day.  It's also normal for me to trip on something directly in front of my feet, simply because I'm not paying attention.  This can be detrimental if the thing in front of me happens to be one of my children.  I've been known to knock them down.  Oops.  I'm not winning any mother of the year awards.  Darn.

So here's my Bamboo Story.  It's going down in infamy, I think...

I went to the Aveda Institute for a hair cut the other night.  Like most Aveda places, it's decorated very nicely with all sorts of "natural" stuff lying around.  Also, the clientele seems to be a little on the uppity side.  That's probably just my impression, but whatever.  It's my blog.

So after I checked in, I was told to take a seat.  I looked around for somewhere to go.  Unlike many salons, there isn't a waiting area in an Aveda salon.  There are a few stools scattered around the tables, ensuring you'll look at their merchandise.  And of course, those are all full.  So I see a bench over in the corner with just one guy sitting on it.  Now, the normal path to get to the bench was blocked by some kids playing grown up, so I had to cut around the make up counter then bypass a giant bamboo display to get to the bench.  No problem.  Like everyone else in the salon, I whip out my cell phone and start fiddling with it while I'm walking towards the bench.  I should have known better.  I need to focus all my attention on my feet while walking.  When will I learn.  So as I'm completely not looking where I'm going, it happens.  WHAM!

I've ran directly into the bamboo display.

Immediately I try to contain the damage by grabbing the bamboo poles, but of course that's a problem since I'm also holding my cell phone and purse.  So then it because a juggling game of wrestling the bamboo back into place, keep my purse on my shoulder and don't drop the cell phone!  Finally after what seems like 20 minutes (probably more like 30 seconds), I get everything back into place and try to nonchalantly sit down.  It was then that I realized that the entire front waiting area was staring at me.  Yep, I'm a klutz.

It doesn't end there.  Today was pretty bad too.  Here are all the things I ran into:

  • copy machine
  • wall
  • door frame
  • co-worker
  • husband
  • patient
  • another patient
  • another wall
  • shopping cart
  • chair
  • child or 2
Seriously,  I should win an award for all that.  

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