Monday, February 21, 2011

My first Y locker room experience...

So before anyone thinks this is going to be some boring story about me opening a locker for the first time, let me assure's not.  And because it's ME, I always do something dorky and stupid, therefore funny. :)  I find humor in everything I do.  Why?  Because I'm weird like that.

So Monday mornings I do a PHAAT class from 9:15-10.  Usually I pick Noah back up from child care, race home for a quick shower, then off to pick up Hannah from preschool at 11:30.  Or conversely, I'll do some errands after class, before picking up Hannah then take a shower later.  Today I decided to shake things up a bit.  The Y has a locker room with showers.  Why not take one there?  Then I wouldn't be rushing around, not driving as much (thus saving a few cents in gas!), and Noah would still be in child care so I wouldn't be hearing "MOMMY" every 5 minutes.  Win/Win/Win.

Let me just say that I'm a very private person.  I don't like parading around in all my nakedness.  Really.  Who wants to see that?  Apparently Monday morning is geriatric swimming class.  So after class, all the older women come in the locker room to take a shower.  Let's just say that I got a serious visual of our bodies change through the years.  The song "Do your ears hang low?" was going through my mind.  Only, change the word "ears" to "boobs".  THEN to make things even weirder, there was some girl staring at me the entire time I put on make-up and dried my hair.  I was getting a tad creeped out.

However, it was nice to be done with the shower, pick up Noah, and have plenty of time to make it to Hannah's preschool.  I've learned many lessons by my first Y shower room experience.  Most importantly, when I walk in the door next week, I shall keep my eyes firmly SHUT.  :)

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