Monday, August 16, 2010

Iowa State Fair

Let's just get this out in the open. I hate the State Fair. To me, it's a bunch of smelly rednecks and smellier animals thrown together in the August heat to ferment and cause even more smelliness. And the fried food? What the heck? Does America really need more obesity? Ok...I'm off my rant. This year my employer gave all of us free admission tickets to the fair as well as some free activity tickets. In years past when they've done this, I've given my tickets away. Joel and I hate going to the fair (see above rant for reasons why). This year however, Hannah is 4 and loves animals so we thought we'd give it a try. Even Noah being 1 is a trooper and will tag along anywhere as long as there's food involved. The day started out a little rocky. Our camera batteries died so we had to buy some there. $3.50 for 2 batteries! Had to be done though. Then my flip flop broke. Seriously, the strap that goes between your toes just came right through the shoe. Darn cheap Old Navy flip-flops. Of course I had had them for eons so I guess they'd done pretty well for a $2 shoe. So what to do when your shoe breaks? Go do the medical tent! Yep, I walked right in and asked if I could have some medical tape to fix my shoe. They didn't even blink. Just went to a drawer and pulled it out. I made a joke about using their medical training to fix a flip flop and he said he's fixed many shoes since the fair started! Seriously!? In the mean time, Joel scored some duct tape from the general store so between the 2 tapes, I was back in business. After that the day got much better. The kids absolutely LOVED everything we did which made it so much more enjoyable for me. The weather was really nice so it wasn't too smelly :) I don't know if we'll go every year but this was definitely the first year I've not wanted to bring scissors and cut off a mullet. :) Here are some pictures from the fun...

You can just see Noah's brain working. He's trying to figure out how to grab the butterfly and put it in his mouth...or demolish it.
She riding the pony. She seriously thought this was the best thing ever
Hannah riding the pony.
I seriously thought the camel was going to spit on us. He had disgusting teeth! Good thing Noah was keeping an eye on the situation.
Hannah and Noah kept running through the shooting water thing. They both got soaked but had a great time.
Attempting to get a good family picture. This is actually the best one. Poor Hannah was a smidge too short
Joel and Hannah going down the giant slide. She LOVED it!
Grandma and Hannah riding the sky glider.
Noah was tuckered out by the time we left

1 comment:

  1. Duct taped shoe. You fit right in this year, Sara. LOL I LOVE it!!!!

    Glad you had a good time. I LOVE the fair. But last year I got kind of sick of it, so this year we're going after 5 to get in for 1/2 price and won't spend as much time there.
