Sunday, May 23, 2010

My kids are growing up WAY too fast!

I know every single mother in the world has said that exact same phrase at one point or another. It wasn't until I became a mother that I can actually understand how the little munchkins literally transform in front of your eyes. It's like watching corn grow. One day it's a little seed and the next day *BAM*! Your little seed is a giant corn stalk. Wow, that was a profound statement. Not sure where that came from...

Noah is growing like a weed (there I go with the plant analogies again). He doesn't have another doctor's appointment for a few more months but just looking at how his clothes are fitting, he's getting bigger. That boy can eat like there's no tomorrow! Eating has never been his problem. He has the metabolism we all envy. He eats whatever he wants and doesn't gain weight! He crawls so fast that he burns every calorie he takes in! Don't we all wish we had that problem!? Now he goes through a giant container of yogurt every few days (seriously, not kidding. One of those big tubs of yogurt...every 2 days). He will eat 2 big pancakes for breakfast and still be hungry. Take a big can of ravioli, dump it on his plate, and it's gone in a few minutes. It's amazing to watch. Granted, plenty of the food goes on his shirt, in his hair, some even on the floor. But the vast majority goes down the pie hole. Oh, and pie! He likes that too. The only food he absolutely will not eat is vegetables. I try to sneak them in to other foods and he'll work the food in his mouth until he can spit out the vegetable. He's a smart boy.

Hannah is talking so much better now. She's always been a good talker but she would have a hard time with pronunciation. For example, Wal-Mart would come out "Worm-bert". It was cute for a while but now she's about to start pre-school and really needs to learn her words a little better. So, lately she's slowed down and worked on saying everything the correct way. You can just see her little brain focusing on the word then saying it really slowly to get it right. It's cute. We, of course give her lots of praise which she eats right up. She gets a huge grin on her face and says the word faster and faster until she nails it every time. My little genius. I can't believe she's going to be starting pre-school in the fall! She's attending Small Discoveries Preschool. A neighbor and several teachers I know suggested that preschool. There are a lot of really good ones in here in Ankeny but that one kept coming up as one of the best. She was wait listed for a while but I got a call a while back that she's in. She's guaranteed the afternoon class right now and is on the wait list for the morning class. I'd rather her be in the morning class but it's not a huge deal. I'm just happy she's in! I got all the paperwork in the mail to fill out and have her doctor sign. Man, that's a lot of paperwork! I was surprised. I'm glad the preschool does a good job at making sure the kids are healthy and properly immunized before attending but it's a lot of documentation! I'm sure this is only the first of many papers I have to bring along to the pediatricians appointment. :)


  1. Adorable, Sara. I always love reading your blog updates.

  2. Thanks Mari! Since you're not on facebook anymore you don't get to hear about all my kids' excitement. I'm glad we kinda keep in touch this way :)

  3. I know. I didn't realize how much touch I'd lose with people by leaving Facebook.
