~My face turns bright red when I get hot. So as I'm running, I look like I'm going to pass out. Some days, that may actually be pretty accurate!
~I nursed 2 children. My boobs are huge and even wearing a sport's bra, I'm fearful the knockers are going to fly up and knock me out. And seriously...why can't sport's bras be a little more attractive? All they do is smash the girls together and give me a uni-boob.
~I hate running on the treadmill next to anyone who is a more serious runner than me (which is many people). I end up running the same speed as them which is not a good thing.
~My knees hurt!!!
~Every slight incline in the road feels like you're climbing Mt. Everest. Not good. Even worse when there's a head wind.
~I hate running through my neighborhood when the neighbors are out in their yard. I'm convinced they're staring at me and wondering if they should be calling 911.
Even with all the things I hate about running, I never thought I'd want to run so it's a sense of achievement after completing every week's training. Plus, I try to remember how skinny I'm going to get. Still waiting on that part though :)