Saturday, July 24, 2010

Update on running...

I'm done with my Couch to 5K training! So does that mean I can run 3.1 miles? Oh, heck no! I'm pretty darn close though! I'm still trying to run 3 times a week for a minimum of 2.5 miles. The kicker is trying to get outside to do the running. So far, it's been mostly on the treadmill at the Y. The weather here has been terrible for running outside. It's either raining, super hot, or so humid you start sweating just walking to the mailbox. My big 5K race in August is, of course outside so I need to start getting out there. I can never remember the actual name of the race so I've nicknamed it "my race of death". I'm really hoping I don't die during the race but you never know. :)

There are still plenty of things I hate about running. Namely, the way my face turns bright red every time I run. Seriously, I look like my head is going to explode. And here's a huge pet peeve of mine...When the Y is busy so most of the treadmills are being used, it's fine to come and take the treadmill right next to me. But when it's not busy and there are several free treadmills, don't come and park yourself in the treadmill next to mine. It's annoying. It makes me want to throw things at you. It's like going to the movie theater and sitting right next to a stranger even though the entire theater is empty. Dude, it's creepy.


  1. I agree. I totally hate when someone takes the treadmill right next to me when there are 8 million others to choose from.
    And the movies - when I went with Salli in March some girls came and sat right in front of us and I actually said out loud, "Are you kidding me???? Out of this WHOLE theater and you had to sit right in front of us?" One of them turned around and looked at me and then they got up and moved. YAY!!!!

  2. yeah! WHY do people do that! I'll be on the elliptical...there are 3....I'm on the far left, they take the one RIGHT next to me. Seriously? there's another machine NOT NEXT to mine. USE THAT ONE
