Friday, January 15, 2010

There should be an unwritten rule somewhere...

There should be an unwritten rule that cute guys can NOT be the ones to weigh you!

Let me give you a little background here...

At work this year they are trying to push the whole "get healthy" concept. Even though I work for a medical facility, there are of course those who aren't the healthiest beings. So in partnership with our insurance provider, Iowa Clinic was offering free health screenings. This entailed an on-line assessment followed by blood work. I assumed that when my blood was taken I'd also be asked to get on the dreaded scale. I hate the scale. I ask you to find me one woman who actually looks forward to getting on the scale and I will bet you she's a skeleton. No Iowa born and raised woman likes to get on that darn thing!

So today was the big day. I followed the directions and fasted like a good girl. I checked in early to my appointment and filled out all the paperwork then waited my turn. As I waited I saw a couple rather good looking boys (I say boys only because they were probably younger than me but more than likely in their upper 20's). These were buff, tanned cute guys. Now I'm a happily married woman but I can still appreciate God's handiwork.

So I'm sitting there waiting my turn, fully expecting one of the many girl blood-takers to call my name. Soon my name is called. "Well", I think, "she has a rather low, manly sounding voice." I stand up and turn around and just stood there. Of course it was one of the cute boys calling my name. Of course it couldn't be one of the chunky gals. How can God be so cruel?? So I drag my feet and follow him to his little work station. He makes little small talk with me while he takes my blood pressure. I really have no idea what he was saying; I was too busy trying to think of a way to get out of the weigh-in. Before I could come up with a believable excuse, he tells me to take off my shoes and jump on the scale. Jump? Uhh...child, I do not jump. My nursing knockers might fly up and give me whiplash. Of course that possibly would have gotten me out of the scale. But no, I stepped up and cringed. He smiled, wrote it on my chart, then led me over to yet another good looking guy who would prick my finger. Of course he had to hand the next guy my chart so now HE knew how much I weighed. After the finger prick I had to wait for my results. All the while I kept seeing girl workers running around grabbing people. So I figured surely I'd have a girl go over my results with me. NOPE. It was another good looking guy. Did I shoot a puppy in my last life? So I followed this guy into a private room and he proceeded to go over all my numbers. He was looking right at me, trying to keep eye contact but all I could think about was the fact that my weight was right there on the paper and he kept pointing at it. As soon as the consultation was over I ran out of the room and flew back to my office.

There should be a rule against that sort of torture!!!


  1. I understand your pain, but trust and believe he's weighed a LOOOOOOT heavier gals than you. And I've seen you in real life and know you aren't quite as big as you think you are LOL. So while you were making a big deal of it in your head, he probably was thinking absolutely NOTHING of it. For all you knew, he has a 300 lb wife at home.

  2. This post cracked me up, only because of it made me think of what happened to me a couple of years ago. I worked at Grand View University and we did this Wellness Program at work through Principal Health and Wellness. They had wellness coaches come in and prick our fingers, weigh us and do a couple of other little tests. OF COURSE I got the hottie 20 something to weigh me. Now, I am not going to lie, I am a big girl. Motherhood has been "kind" to me in that regard. So I am fully aware of my weight and what I look like. The guy weighs me and does a double take and says for all to hear - "This can't be right, SURELY you don't weigh that much!" Um, yeah buddy I do. "Let's weight you again, this can't be right. You don't look like you weigh that much". So he weighed me again and I weighed the same. Thanks dude. I was so embarrassed. Sir, it's called weight distribution. I have it ALL OVER my body, so yes I weigh that much! Sheesh.
